Does India aspire to be a first world superpower over the next decade? We have the largest school education system in the world. However, our education system is still only of third world standards, with less than half of all students mastering basic numeracy and literacy skills by the end of Primary schooling.
How do we bridge this discrepancy? What do we need to do in order to make our Schooling system world class?
Schools are not brick and mortar structures but spaces where capable educators meet eager students. However, India has failed to produce sufficient number of qualified teachers over the last few decades who could cater to the needs of our students.
As this article by Amitabh Kant, the CEO of NITI Aayog, highlights, the pass-percentage in Central Teacher Eligibility Tests that stipulate eligibility for appointments as teachers has not exceeded 25 per cent in recent years. How did we get to this state? And what can we do to improve the situation? To learn more about this imbalance and how it effects our education system, please read the article linked here.
At VentureVillage, we believe that training high quality teachers is the key to unlocking the potential of the Indian student body. Being an official partner of the University of Helsinki, we offer Master Classes, Professional Development Courses as well as Eduvisits to Finland for Indian teachers in order to deepen their professional knowledge.
To know more about the offerings of University of Helsinki, please visit https://hy.venturevillage.world/